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Training Course Outlines

Assertive Communication Skills
Customer Care
Defusing Hostile Customers
Meetings Skills
Minute Taking
People Management
Presentation Skills
Project Management Awareness
Recruitment and Selection Skills
Report Writing
Stress Management
Time Management


Creating a great presentation
How to write a presentation
Using visual aids effectively
How to lose your audience
Why fear public speaking?
Will they remember you?
Your body language
10 most common mistakes
Public speaking communication
Good speech topics
Public speaking objectives
Basic public speaking skills
What you must do to have an effective presentation

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Presentation Skills Training

A business woman stood next to a blank flipchart holding a pen

Level 1 Workshop (One Day)

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Learn how to confidently deliver
presentations that get the results
you want


This workshop is for anyone who wants to:

  • reduce the anxiety of presenting
  • develop coping techniques
  • confidently make presentations and eventually enjoy the experience

On this workshop you will learn:

  • the 3 variables that cause performance anxiety
  • 10 common obstacles that have to be overcome
  • the 6 points for controlling fear
  • what it takes to be a successful presenter

Quote: "...I followed what you had taught me and went through the training folder again and prepared my speech. I used the 'cue cards' and broke the speech down into logical parts. I then rehearsed what I was going to say.
I delivered the speech without a quiver in my voice!
Thank you so much Patrick for giving me the confidence and tools to be able to deliver a good speech. My next presentation is on Friday. I am now working on this with the knowledge I can do it!"
Karen Ross, Rosie's Helping Hands Charity. End quote.


Typical Symptoms:

Dry mouth, flushed face, sweaty palm, knees shaking, hands shaking, fear of forgetting or losing your place, fear of not impressing the audience or losing them altogether...


In the 'Book of Lists', the number one fear most people had was the fear of public speaking. Fear of public speaking is quite common, but has a greater negative impact on our lives than other fears have. For example, if you have a fear of flying you can avoid this by choosing other means of transport; the fear of animals can, for the most part, be controlled by simply avoiding certain environments. However, communicating with others is unavoidable.

Learn in a Friendly Environment

Standing up and speaking to an audience can be very daunting. I have been doing this for over 30 years and I still get nervous. Why? Because I know that a lot depends on what I say in the next few minutes. However, my method of preparation ensures that the minute I start speaking, all my nerves disappear. There are psychological reasons why we all feel nervous doing this task. I will explain to you why this happens, and how you can reduce the impact of an 'attack of nerves'. This training workshop, held in a friendly and encouraging environment, aims to give you a consistent and repeatable system to create great presentations and to overcome the accompanying nerves.

A group of four people sat at a desk looking at a screen partially off shot

The good news is that you are not alone. Most people, when making presentations, suffer from one or more of the above listed symptoms. The better news is that when you learn our SmarterBrain® System you will, over a period of time; reduce your fear and anxiety to an acceptable and workable level.


The First 3 Minutes

The first 3 minutes of a presentation is crucial. Paradoxically, the first 3 minutes is where most presenters struggle. We will show you how to make your first 3 minutes the most powerful part of your presentation.

Performance Anxieties

A business woman stood next to a blank flipchart holding a pen

Presentation anxieties are what we call 'performance' anxieties. You can have similar anxieties when taking part in competitive sports, acting in a play, perhaps even during a karaoke session!

The difference with the demands of presenting is that very often your job or promotion depends on your presentation skills.

The Reasons Behind It All

Performance anxieties occur because of an emotional change in our thinking. You will learn why your brain is 'hardwired' to over-react when you are called to make a presentation.

This workshop is not 'therapy'. It is a set of practical steps that will enable you to incrementally introduce a system of presenting that will improve your self confidence and your self esteem.

Presentation Skills Level 1 Workshop Dates

May 2007



23rd May


Click to book a place

To discuss your particular in-house training needs please click here

Workshop Information

Registration 9:00am-9:30am, finish 4:30pm. Your investment? £225 + VAT. This includes all workshop materials, refreshments and lunch.

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